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Move bot to history using api

  • 26 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Using the API I can stop, pause and resume a bot that is already running using the request below:

POST: {{ControlRoomURL}}/activity/manage

"stop_executions": {
"execution_ids": [
"pause_executions": {
"execution_ids": [
"resume_executions": {
"execution_ids": [


How can I send a bot that is in queue status to history? Similar to what can be done directly in the control room


2 replies

Badge +1


You can move the bot to history using the API by sending a specific request. Once the bot is stopped or paused, you can then archive or move it to history.

Badge +1

For anyone experiencing the same problem, there is an undocumented endpoint that does this job.

An example of what the request should look like, the body should only contain the request ID wrapped in double quotes


curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'X-Authorization: xxxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '"e5c8a404-0804-4448-ba89-56433db062c0"'

