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I am trying to migrate my bots from v11 to A360.

But the modulo operator (%) in number assign action does not work.

Am I missing something or is there another way to calculate modulo?



HI @yaskar ,


If I am not mistaken, currently we don’t have any option to use Modulo operator in A360. But you can still get it worked by following either of the following method.


  • Try using the VB/Java/python Script to find Mod (Easy way)


  • Using the Loop-While action as shown below (A bit tricky)



@yaskar I’d convinced myself there was a math package out of the box from AA that allowed you to do this, but the best I could find was this on the store

For simplicity though, I would agree with @Padmakumar that you can achieve this quite simply with some python

Thank you both! @Padmakumar @Paul Hawkins 

simple: use this mathematical formula 

a = 10, b = 3, quotient, remainder;
quotient = a / b; // quotient is 3
remainder = a - (quotient * b); // remainder is 1 😀

Simply use the Boolean “to String action”, by dividing the number with 2.
