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For this package in the bot store:>


For each "Replace" action I use, it adds a carriage return to the end of the word document. Ive tried to disable all replace actions, and the carriage returns did not show. Then, I added 1 replace action, and a single return appeared at the bottom of the output word doc... when i added a 2nd replace action... 2 returns appeared at the bottom of the output word doc.


Is there any way to repair this or mitigate the issue?

From my experience that package is not working very well...I've tried to use it on a word document that included tables and it didn't replace anything. I coded a VBS script to workaround this, hope it helps


Function GENERIC_TEXT_REPLACE(path,find_text,replace_text)

' Generic function to replace text in word document

' path(String): Full path of word document

' find_text(Array): Array of values to look For

' replace_text(Array): Array of values to replace

Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

objWord.Visible = False


Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(path)

Set objSelection = objWord.Selection


For i = 0 to UBound(find_text)

FindText = find_text(i)

MatchCase = False

MatchWholeWord = true

MatchWildcards = False

MatchSoundsLike = False

MatchAllWordForms = False

Forward = True

Wrap = wdFindContinue

Format = False

wdReplaceNone = 0

ReplaceWith = replace_text(i)

wdFindContinue = 1

wdReaplaceAll = 2


a = objSelection.Find.Execute(FindText,MatchCase,MatchWholeWord,MatchWildcards,MatchSoundsLike,MatchAllWordForms,Forward,Wrap,Format,ReplaceWith,wdReaplaceAll)



'Save the doc







End Function

I’m having exact same issues. Package itself is actually working good but the carriage return is a bit annoying. Did you find a solution to it?
