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Dear Community,

Can anyone please share the Read me document for AutomationAnwhere.Excel.dll as I would like to know the Input Parameters for the functions used in there.

Thanks in advance.

Have you tried one of the many online dll viewers?

Hi ​@JLogan3o13,

Online dll viewers does not show any sample parameter data. By the way, the function shows the datatype for the parameter.

Dear Community,

Can anyone please share the Read me document for AutomationAnwhere.Excel.dll as I would like to know the Input Parameters for the functions used in there.

Thanks in advance.

The best question here is, “what are you doing that you need this DLL”? We have many functions for Excel built into the system.

If you absolutely need to figure out the parameters of a DLL, consider using JetBrain’s dotPeek. It’s a free application.

Here is a screen shot of the disassembly of the Base64 DLL bot from the v11 Bot Store (I wrote this). It works just fine.

