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I have a list of dictionaries, when I want to remove an item using the component List: Remove item I get this error :

class cannot be cast to class ( and are in unnamed module of loader @76452e33)


Do you know what can be the cause of this error ? How can you remove the dictionary element from a list ?

Here is a sample bot showing the error


It appears it cannot do this. What are you intending on using this for? I see some test code, but do you have a real-world application for this? Maybe if I knew that I could recommend a different way to attack the problem.

You can also consider using a data table to hold a running “list” of data. It’s going to be more manageable than dealing with Dictionaries embedded in a list.

If you do need this functionality, I would recommend putting in an enhancement request or contacting your CSM to do the same.
