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I am fetching details from excel and stored in Dictionery variable as key-value pair and want to pass this variable as parameter to another bot? Kindly anyone help me on this scenario.

  • 22 March 2024
  • 1 reply

I am fetching details from excel and stored in Dictionary variable as key-value pair and want to pass this variable as parameter to another bot? Kindly anyone help me on this scenario. I want to get single dictionary variable in child bot.

1 reply

Badge +2


  1. Begin by opening the child bot where you intend to send the dictionary variable.
  2. While creating the dictionary variable, ensure that you select the option to use it as input.
  3. Save the changes and close the child bot. Next, open the parent bot from where you want to send the dictionary value.
  4. Inside the parent bot, navigate to the task bot package section.
  5. Select the child bot in the task bot package section of the parent bot. While selecting, it will ask for the dictionary value. Provide the required dictionary value as input.
  6. Provide the required dictionary value as input. Run the parent bot.
  7. The dictionary value provided from the parent bot will be sent as input to the child bot, and whatever action the child bot performs using this dictionary variable will be executed.



this is the message from child bot to parent bot.

