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How to do vertical and horizontal scroll bar in a web page, pdf extraction and Switching between Chrome and IE

  • 9 February 2022
  • 2 replies

Scroll Bar:

There will be a web table with 20+ coloumns and with dynamic rows. As the row count changes, manually we have to scroll down the bar to read all the rows and same with the case to read all columns. So, there will be two scroll bars. One is horizontal scroll bar to read columns and vertical scroll bar to read rows. How feasible is A2019 to work with scroll bar in automation.


PDF Extraction:

Extracting fields from pdf where number of rows will be random and we have to extract one field from each row. Rows are dynamic starting from 1 row and goes on depends on the transaction. If there are more rows, table will continue in 2nd and 3rd page. How feasible is A2019 to work with PDF fields extraction from tables.


Switching between Chrome and IE

Our use case is to switch between Chrome and IE for each transaction because of application compatibility issues. How feasible is A2019 to work with this scenarios based on performance wise.

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @Suresh Keesara​ ,


PFB Comments,


Scroll Bar:


Regarding the Scroll bar you can handle this using below options,


  1. Using Keystroke command >> Page Down Option

Key Stroke2.Use "Scroll action"


Checkout below documentation on usage,>


PDF Extraction:


In your case the best option is to use IQBOT


Switching between Chrome and IE


There will be no performance issues if you are switching btw Chrome & IE using A360.

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi @Suresh Keesara​ ,


I'm pretty sure that you won't have to worry too much about scrolling, if you are using the Capture Action as it will automatically scroll to that particular element which has to be captured as long as there is something you can provide as input for the bot to zero into.


I'm not exactly sure how feasible it will be, so I can't say for sure but you have to be pretty proficient with your XPaths in order to achieve it.


Here is a series I have penned on the topic, just to get you started.


Now for the PDF extraction, if there is table data involved, then you have to use IQ Bots. If its simple stand alone values that you wish to extract, that can be done without too much effort.


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K
