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How to disable universal recorder scrolling?

  • 19 January 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello Everyone,

I’m having some issues with the Universal Recorder at the moment. On the website I want to automate there is a UI that follows you as you scroll downwards that overlaps with the buttons I want to be clicked.

The program will successfully find it over the UI but the click won’t work since it’s currently overlapping.

The work around kind of is to use AISense instead and ensure that the page is scrolled upwards since it doesn’t move the page.

Anyone have any ideas?

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@Trent RPA 


**Applicable to A360.26**

1. Recorder command not working when used on web browsers like Google Chrome, Edge or Firefox. Bot finished as normal, with no visible errors, but capture action is never executed.

2. Recorder command is failing when migrated from one Control Room to another.


1. The web browser architecture (x86 or x64) used in capture is different between origin and destination Control Room.

2. The web browser is outdated.

3. The Automation Anywhere extension is outdated.


1. Verify if the web browser architecture (x86 or x64) in Record command is the same as used in origin Control Room. If not, please install the correct web browser architecture.

2. Update the web browser to the latest version.

3. Verify if the Automation Anywhere extension is the last available for the Control Room and for this web browser version. If not, update it.

4. Restart the device. This will avoid errors like being unable to capture other than the whole web browser window instead of items inside it. If after restarting you are experiencing this specific problem, please review the following article:

5.  Recapture objects if needed.
