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How to capture the sub window in Excel via Recorded since the sub window has no title and is disappearing whenever I click away?

  • 4 August 2022
  • 1 reply



I struggle with capturing the window. You can see the issue in the attached photo. I can't use the "Active window" option in Recorder because the window disappears when I click away. 


I also tried to use Keystrokes. However, it didn't function because after selecting all the objects and pressing "oALT DOWN]JPAAPALT UP]" there was this new sub window without a title; therefore, the final keystroke for aligning to the top didn't work.


I would be very grateful if there were someone who knew the solution.


Thank you in forward!


Best regards,

Jaroslav Koďousek



1 reply

Badge +1

Already solved - it's necessary to execute the following action: for the "Select window" choose "Application" -> "Currently active":




By doing so, you'll execute your action in a newly opened window. I hope it will help someone.
