
How does bot read email? Is attachment part of body or subject?

  • 10 October 2022
  • 6 replies

I'm processing emails that have "Invoice" mentioned in either "subject" or on the "body" of the email. However if there is "Invoice" word mentioned in Attachment even that email is getting processed even if "Invoice" is inside the attached file the email. I don't understand how bot is reading the Email. I don't want these emails to be processed please help me.

6 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Bharath C S​ ,



Email Body and Subject - You can use the Email Package to read the Subject of the email, Body of the email and use the String Package and If Package to identify/find the invoices


Attachment: You have to download the attachment and use the PDF Package to read the information/identify the invoice. Sometimes attachment file name contains the "Invoice", Is, right?






Yes. I just wanted to process/read email subject and email body which i have succeeded in doing so by using dictionary and if conditions. But I don't understand the fact that how bot is considering name of the file attached also even something inside the file.


Reference pic below where there is no invoice in subject or body or even on attachment. But Invoice word is mentioned inside the attached file, bot processes this email as well.


Example Pic

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

In the above case i dont want to process the email. As there is no Keyword (i;e Invoice) present in Email Subject or Body of the Email. - You're right.



There are no keywords, Could you please double-check the If conditions


Or Test the tasks using the same email and Please add the message box before and after the If condition to check How the condition was successful and processed the invoice.

Hi @Tamil Arasu​ 


In the above case i dont want to process the email. As there is no Keyword (i;e Invoice) present in Email Subject or Body of the Email.


My problem is that it was processed. It shouldnt process the mail as the Invoice is present only inside the attachment.

Understood. Will try that and update. Thank you :)

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Bharath C S​ ,


As you mentioned above, Would you like to process the invoice However, there is no keywords stating that Subject or Body or FileName.


In this case, you have to download the invoice and extract the details from the PDF to find the "Invoice" keywords are contains or not.


If the invoice contains, process the invoice steps and remove the attachment from the downloaded location.


