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Hi All, 


I would like to know if there is any procedure defined to perform archiving of audit logs from Control Room. (Not to export audit logs to csv but to remove them from primary database and store them in another location for audit purposes)


Are there any queries validated by product team?


How many days/months/years are audit logs stored in A360? Is there any limit?


Thanks for your attention

@asoguerof are you using on-premises or full cloud A360? 

I also have your same question...if we are talking about on-prem A360 then you need to interact with the local Elasticsearch cluster to backup audit-logs

Hi @asoguerof 

During a customer's subscription period, data on the Automation 360 Cloud is in their control. Audit logs have a retention policy maximum of 180 days but the audit logs can be viewed at least for the 90 days from the current date. These 90 days are based on the date on which you are checking the logs. The audit log information can be viewed for at least 90 days in the Control Room.

Backups are taken every 6 hours and kept for seven days. After a subscription ends, according to our retention policy, data is held for another 30 days, to allow for renewal or recovery of bots and reports, and is deleted after that. After 60 days, the entire tenant environment is deleted.

Checkout below links for more info,
