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Dear Team,

We need few details on the below for configuring AARI into Genesys,

1. How is the communication established between Genesys and AARI ?
2. How does Genesys authenticate the AARI user?
3. Is the connection established when we login to Genesys or when we click on the AA icon the Genesys screen?
4. Are there instances the connection between Genesys and AARI is lost ?



Hi @Shankar.C 

Have you checked below resource



Hi @Shankar.C - this is a great question! 

I was able to connect internally and wanted to share a few additional details to those shared by @ChanduMohammad & @rbkadiyam : 

  • How is the communication established between Genesys and AARI ?
    • AARI Co-Pilot is embedded into Genesys as an Interaction Widget through an iFrame. Therefore, this presents a native AARI experience to the agent, giving them access to Attended local desktop automation as well as AARI Process Automation which runs on remote devices. Another benefit of this is that as A360 is upgraded and Co-Pilot receives enhancements, there's nothing additional to do on Genesys to bring those to the user. 


  • How does Genesys authenticate the AARI user?
    • Genesys supports direct login with your Genesys Cloud credentials as well as SSO via supported providers you can find listed on this page: If AARI and Genesys share the same IDP, through SAML SSO for Control Room, then authentication for the user becomes fairly seemless. Alternatively if they do not share an IDP for SSO, then the user will see a separate login prompt to access AARI Co-Pilot.


  • Is the connection established when we login to Genesys or when we click on the AA icon the Genesys screen?


  • Are there instances the connection between Genesys and AARI is lost ?
    • This is not something that should ever happen unless the AARI-Pilot application was completely inaccessible - meaning the Control Room was down, the traffic was blocked between the agent and the URL:Port of Co-Pilot or some other larger issue. However there shouldn't be any instances of internmittent connection losses to AARI Co-Pilot as again, you're rendering the AARI Co-Pilot web application as an iframe directly within Genesys.
