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File not found. exception: in Checkin request

  • 24 July 2023
  • 6 replies

I’m facing this error during the Checkin request, all the bot dependencies are already checked in, and this generic error doesn’t help much, anyone knows a way to see exactly what is the problem with the bot?
This is a bot that have alot dependencies, so I’m not sure what is the problem and what should I do to fix it



@ezeqpost94  check if you have access for that folder 

Yes, full access.
User role “Creator” assigned:

“Creator” Role permissions:


I removed all the bot dependencies, and now trying to add one by one, but already in the first dependency I come across this error, how do I know which .png he is referring to? I have no references to .png files in the process, should be from a recorder action.

All the packages are updated to default version



Facing same issue, How to resolve it?

Hello, I managed to solve this problem with this article below, basically I deleted all the tasks that were cloned in the private repository from users other than mine. It doesn't make any sense to me (what do cloned bots in other users' private repositories have to do with it?), but it worked here...

Hello, I managed to solve this problem with this article below, basically I deleted all the tasks that were cloned in the private repository from users other than mine. It doesn't make any sense to me (what do cloned bots in other users' private repositories have to do with it?), but it worked here...

@ezeqpost94, were you able to delete the cloned bots from other users Private repository without any issue?? Wouldn’t AA throw error if those dependencies are dependencies of those user’s bots? (i.e. any reusable component that is used in several automations)
