I have just begun receiving this error on a child task this morning, after several weeks of it running just fine, and am curious if I am missing something.
This global child task takes an input variable of a Control Room XML file (type file), then uses the XML:Start Session with the variable as the File source. It returns a number of nodes to the parent. As mentioned, this has been working for some time just fine. Just this morning I was doing some testing (on the main bot, not even touching this piece) and this task began failing with the above error.
At first I thought the error was on the Start Session action itself. I tried changing the variable to a hard coded selection of the XML Control Room file, and everything works just fine. It appears the error is not on the action itself, but on the input variable (error message states line 0).
Just curious if I am missing something stupid simple; I’ve done the typical restart service, clear global cache, etc. I also checked to ensure none of the packages I’m using were recently updated, and I attempted to copy the XML file from the path below to the main Bots repo. Can’t think of anything else that would explain why this is suddenly no longer working.
Causes error:

Works as expected (input variable unchecked):