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Excel basic:Open command gets error. Description: An unexpected error occurred. 
This task was running without error in production, but it gets error for a few days.

In development it has no error on this step.

Filepath for excelbasic:open is correct

What should I do?

Hi ​@Semih 3318,

Any packages have been updated recently? please compare both version of package (DEV, PRD)

Hi ​@Tamil Arasu10 they are same version. Thanks for the reply

I figured out that this may get error because of  the excel file capacity. Excel file is 6214kb. It was not opening with Excel basic:open
I decreased the data, then it started to run.

I figured out that this may get error because of  the excel file capacity. Excel file is 6214kb. It was not opening with Excel basic:open
I decreased the data, then it started to run.

Interesting that this was the solution, because on the documentation page it is stated that the maximum Excel file size in the Excel basic package is 30 MB not ~6 MB.


A mi me paso cuando deje un fila sin cabecera, ejemplo:

Cabecera1 cabecera2 cabecera3

Dato 1            dato2       dato3           dato4
