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Control Room Roles


What role do I need to be able to edit someone else bot (if that's possible)?



10 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15>>



Which role exactly it is?

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Basically, you have to assign the Bot creator license for the user


Create (custom role) the role to access the respective folder 



The licence is attached.

I can create a bot, I can see bots created by others but I cannot modify / edit them.


Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Are you able to choose AAE_Basic and Bot_Developer?

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Please select both and add the creator license as well

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

You can find My Bots -> Private and Public


Private - Private bots and files cannot be viewed by other people. If a bot or file has been checked out from the Public tab, it can be viewed and run by other people, but cannot be edited.


Public - Public bots and files can be viewed, run, and checked out by other people, based on permissions set by your administrator


From the public folder, you can export the bot which is created by someone and import it into your private folder and edit, checkin the bot to the public.




From the public folder, you can check out the task which is directly moved to your private folder after that you can edit







Yes, they are added and yes I can select them

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

You have created a user account and login --> Navigate Public folder --> Check out specific task --> which is moved user account private tab--> Edit


Enables users to check out bot files or folders from the public workspace. It creates an editable copy of the bot in the private workspace. A bot can be checked out by one user at a time. When this permission is selected, the Clone and View content permissions are automatically enabled. These permissions cannot be disabled.



Note: To check out dependent folders and files, you must have the Check out permission on the dependency folders.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @Robert Ozog​, If you are looking to check-out and edit Bot from Public Repository.


Create a custom role and assign bot permissions with the View my bots feature permission and required folder permission and assign to required user.

Please find below document for your reference.>>
