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Choose file window keeps changing its position, whenever the bot is running

My bot is running in the production. Whenever it clicks on the choose file input button. selecting file window opens with different position. I don’t know why it is happening. The position of window is changing and it is unable to identify the window then it ran in to an error.

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @Mahesh.B1 ,


Have you checked the Screen resolution in the Runner machine and the same selected in CR?

Badge +1

The screen resolution is 1366 * 768.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

The screen resolution is 1366 * 768.


Take a Desktop Screenshot through BOT in the Runner machine and compare it with the Resolution which selected in the CR.

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@Mahesh.B1  Please check your machine vs bot runner machine resolution and scaling %.

Badge +1

I have same code running on two VM instances. I am not facing any issue in the instance one. Only in the second instance whenever the bot click on the choose file button. The window position changing down or hiding in the start button. It is happening for every 8hrs approximately. Whenever I am getting this error I am cloning again re-run the bot. But I want to find solution for this whether the chrome or VM or my code.

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Maximize window first, using Title of window/ active window since open will be automatically focused ?
