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Can you use variables created in a bot in a python script?

  • 22 June 2022
  • 1 reply

I am trying to use a python script to move files from one folder to another. In the bot, I have it set up in a loop with the 'file in folder' condition where the file name and extension are saved as variables, and I want to use these variables when writing out the source and destination paths in my script. Is there any way that I can use these variables in a python script without needing to explicitly say what the name and extension of the file I'm trying to move is?


Any help would be much appreciated.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Austin Dugas​ ,


As you have not mentioned the specific product version, assuming that you are using A360, currently we do not support using the variables in the Python script, however, the same is in roadmap and would be implemented in future releases of A360.


If you have any further queries then kindly create a support case.


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If you don't have access to the above link, email the AA Support team "" to get the access.
