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Can we pass a session of Web Automation from Parent BOT to child BOT?

  • 23 September 2022
  • 3 replies

Hi team,

I was trying to call a reusable Web Automation BOT but it gave me an error of "null". So is it something like session passing is not feasible in Web Automation package. If not then, Is there an upcoming update where we can have a Global session type upgrade where we can use a session from one Parent BOT to multiple child BOTs.

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +14

@Sumit Kumar​  Can you please share the link of Bot Store for Browser Automation or can you please specify where can I import it from.

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

@Zaid Chougle​ Try this package.

Use "import bots" option in control room and select the zip file and import.

This will add a "Browser Automation" package to your control room.

This is built on top of web automation package to handle some of the shortcomings:

  • This auto determines browser version and uses correct driver version, will work for upcoming future versions too- providing driver path is optional
  • This allows shared sessions through shared session variables/ global sessions
  • Other features: handle alerts, navigate forward, back, refresh, new tab, maximize, full screen, minimize etc.




Userlevel 3
Badge +6

@Zaid Chougle​ attached
