
AutoFilter excel columns with multiple Criteria.

  • 21 February 2023
  • 2 replies

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I wanted to auto-filter the excel columns with multiple criteria since there is no auto filter in excel advanced package,

can someone help me to do the following activity

Best Regards,


2 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Sridhar 4582 ,


There is a Sort Table option in the Excel Advanced package in which sorting option available with respect to a particular Column. 


You can use the Database package along with the ORDERBY keyword with multiple column names separated with comma.

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Thank you for the response  @Padmakumar 

Since I don’t have any tables in my excel, so I need Auto Filter which has to work without even having tables in excel.


I wrote VB scripting for that, unfortunately, that was not working.
