
About AA360 Credential Vault Key

  • 3 March 2022
  • 7 replies

Badge +7

Hi team

i have installed AA 360 control room, when i click the control room icon,

the CR mainframe page need me input a Credential Vault Key, but there is

not any key appeared during my install steps

how can i get the key now?

7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @wang huadong​ ,


Are you referring to the Master key? can you share screenshot of it?


Checkout below documentation,,time%20of%20storage%20or%20provisioning.>

Badge +7

i have uninstalled CR360 and installed once more, when i click CR icon, the message as below:

The Credential Vault is currently set up in Manual mode, which is more secure and recommended for use in a production environment.

Because of this, every time the Control Room restarts, you must manually enter the master key (given to you during installation) to connect to the Credential Vault. Before any user can log in, the Control Room must reconnect to the Credential Vault.

where can i get the master key? it is not appeared when i install CR

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @wang huadong​ ,


You cannot retrieve the lost master key, Need to do a clean uninstallation i.e deleting the already created Databases or Give a Custom DB name for new installation.


Checkout below link,>


Moreover please cross check with Automation Anywhere support team might be they have workaround or some alternates for in this case.

Badge +7

so if i forget to record the master key when installing, when i finish the installtion,

where can i find it? the key may store in somewhere? like config files in install dir?

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @wang huadong​ ,


Before reinstalling the CR you need to remove complete trace of existing setup ex: DB, Files etc.., I'd recommend opening a support ticket with AA using below link>


if you don't have access to the above link, Send an email to AA Support team "" to get the access.

Badge +7

so you mean that if i first time installing CR on a new computer, the master key will appear.

is that correct?

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Yes @wang huadong​ 
