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I am trying to use a loop and an IF statement to determine whether an image exists within each of the images.


The loop goes through each image in a folder, than the IF statement searches the image to find a certain image within it.


Here is my issue: I know that there is a mix of image files in the loop folder that contain the search image and that do not contain the search image. I have verified that the IF command can work by using the preview button on the IF: image exists in image action to triple check. I have previewed both the images that contain the search image as well as the images that do not contain the search image and when I use the preview button, it works! But when I run the task bot, it always defaults to true/image found.


Has anyone else experienced this or know what to do about it?


Try to increasing the precision in the if action



Hi,  Can you share your Source and target image? 

@LoganPrice  Increasing the matching percentage will help 
