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Bot Games Season 3: Imagine Virtual Edition - Financial Transaction Validation Intro

  • October 3, 2022
  • 7 replies




Attention Bot Builders!!! We are back with Bot Games Season 3! We hope you’re enjoying Imagine so far – because this challenge is about to test your skills as an automation developer. Have fun with this and remember – the purpose of these is for you to learn new skills and new approaches to using Automation Anywhere in solving problems.



We cannot be held responsible for any frustration or disappointment caused by crushing defeats in the face of this challenge. Please don't throw your laptops through a window. 


Let’s get to the Challenge!


Challenge Objective:


FoodMart grocery, a fictitious grocery company, needs your help to improve the way they capture their books. They have a good amount of detail on the recent financial transactions, however, the supplier's name for each transaction is missing. For each of the transactions listed in the challenge page, lookup the corresponding transaction in Rusty Bank and update the Supplier Name on the challenge page. 

Challenge Page URL:


Financial Validation Challenge Transaction Screenshot


Simple enough right? Not so fast… in an effort to get the best possible rate on their savings, Foodmart has selected one of the least reliable and lowest rated fictional banks- Rusty Bank. As you interface with Rusty Bank, you may notice that their application is unstable, frequently crashes, and even logs you out automatically. THIS IS PART OF THE CHALLENGE! Build a resilient automation that's able to lookup all transactions even in the face of a less than reliable banking app.  Submit the challenge once the suppliers are identified for all the transactions listed.  Rules: We’ll be very upfront: this is a HARD challenge. It’s also been designed to make sure that people follow the instructions, and not try to cheat for an insanely fast time. 


  1. You MUST launch Rusty Bank App by clicking the button on the challenge page itself…if you launch it early or try to use a dataset that you already captured, it won’t work… You HAVE to follow this instruction.
    • When you report that the Banking Application page isn’t working, don’t be surprised if someone sends you a link sending you back to this specific instruction. The banking application is highly unstable and crashes frequently. Make sure you only have one instance of the challenge page up, which launches one instance of Banking Application
  2. Use error handling to manage the crashing app and get back to the required state before you continue to process the transactions.
    • Oh, but you have no clue on what error handling is??? No worries, Micah is here to rescue you, check out the tutorials on how to use Basic and Advanced error handling techniques.


Sharing Your Results 


Once you’ve successfully completed the challenge, share a screenshot of your results on social using the hashtags #BotGames and tag 3 other RPA developers who you challenge to complete this exercise. We want to celebrate your accomplishment as well, so our social team will be looking for individuals who share their results on social media (and tag/challenge others) to reward them with limited edition Bot Games swag.   Share your feedback as well! We want to hear what you liked and what frustrated you about this challenge! Share some tips with your fellow developers as well! 


Generating your Certificate 


Knocked this one out? Awesome – Download your Financial Transaction Validation Challenge completion certificate from our Challenge Page Validation app. Just fill in one of your success GUIDs from this challenge along with your name, email, and company name, and you can show off that you nailed this one!! 




Admittedly, something feels slightly frustrating about this challenge…. which makes it a bit more fun right? Like all of our challenge pages, there’s more than one way to solve this – so even if you get it built, play around with different approaches to see how that impacts the reliability of your bot and the outcomes it can achieve.  Finally, if you tried this challenge and are getting stuck, don’t worry! We’ll be back soon with a challenge page tutorial session where we’ll be doing a full bot build to demonstrate one of the ways to solve this challenge. Best of luck! Go Be Great!  

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7 replies

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 14 replies
  • February 7, 2023

When going to any of the Accounts via the below screenshot at Rusty Bank it shows no results. The challenge can't be completed right now due to this, but it definitely looks like this challenge worked in the past which can be seen via at timestamp range: 42:49 - 42:50. Would appreciate it if someone could take a look at restoring this challenge. Thanks.

Inline image

  • 0 replies
  • February 8, 2023

Hi @Steven440 - thank you for flagging. The Community Team is investigating and will follow up. 

Automation Anywhere Team
  • Automation Anywhere Team
  • 47 replies
  • February 13, 2023

@Steven440 - It’s fixed, you can try now and let us know how it goes.

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 14 replies
  • February 13, 2023 I can’t not recognize that name. What a legend :). Yep it’s working now. Thank you both!

Mohammad AL-Ahmad

I did it, but it feels like it took a long time, 239seconds. Is this normal?

  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 21 replies
  • February 18, 2024


  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 21 replies
  • February 18, 2024
Ahmedhd wrote:


Link of my solution :


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