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Why does clicking the record capture button fail while the bot is running?

  • 19 December 2022
  • 3 replies


I use several browsers(open,close) and records (capture)
I've done a lot of repetitive clicks working.


But. Problems such as button clicks that are registered through record capture fail or there is a delay in closing the browser occur every time.


It's a bot made with the same logic, but every time it runs
The problem is that the button click success rate results are different...


Q1. Any way to solve this problem?
(Failure or success of a button click that varies each time, a phenomenon that delays when a specific action is executed)


Q2. And while recapturing the object
1. (auto-detection)
2. Microsoft Active Accessibility
3. Microsoft UI Automation
4. Microsoft UI Automation (COM)

I can see this 4 options

I'd be grateful if you could explain the difference between these.


3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @teemy 

Once you capture the command can you enable only the Xpath Object properties and uncheck rest of them and give a try?


Checkout below documentation Capture using specific technology options


You need to select the properties which are getting changed all the time and make sure ID of the button is not dynamic (not getting changed).

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Dear @teemy,


Answer 1: If the success or failure of a button click varies each time and this is causing delays when a specific action is executed in Automation Anywhere, there could be a number of possible causes. Here are a few things you could try to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Make sure that the button is correctly identified and recognized by Automation Anywhere. You can check this by using the "Recapture Object" action to re-identify the button and verify that it is being recognized correctly. If the button is not being recognized correctly, try using different object identification methods or adjusting the object recognition properties to see if this helps.

  2. Check that the button is visible and enabled on the web page or application. If the button is hidden or disabled, Automation Anywhere will not be able to interact with it, which could cause delays or errors.

  3. Try using the "Wait" action to add a delay before interacting with the button. This can help to ensure that the button is fully loaded and ready to be clicked before Automation Anywhere tries to interact with it.

  4. Check that the web page or application is responding quickly and reliably. If the page is slow to load or is experiencing other issues, this could cause delays or errors when interacting with UI elements.

  5. If the issue persists, try using the "Debug" action to run the bot in debug mode and troubleshoot the issue further. This can help you to identify any errors or issues that may be causing the delays or failures.


Answer 2: The four options you listed - (auto-detection), Microsoft Active Accessibility, Microsoft UI Automation, and Microsoft UI Automation (COM) - are different methods of identifying and interacting with UI elements on a web page or application.

  1. (auto-detection) refers to Automation Anywhere's built-in object detection algorithm, which is designed to automatically identify and recognize UI elements based on their properties and characteristics. This option is often used as the default method for object identification because it is generally reliable and efficient.

  2. Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) is a technology that was developed by Microsoft to enable assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to access and interact with UI elements in Windows applications. MSAA exposes the underlying structure and behavior of UI elements in a way that assistive technologies can understand, allowing them to interact with the elements in a meaningful way.

  3. Microsoft UI Automation (UIA) is a more recent technology that was developed by Microsoft to improve the accessibility and automation of UI elements in Windows applications. UIA exposes the properties and behaviors of UI elements using a standardized, extensible API that can be accessed by automation tools, such as Automation Anywhere.

  4. Microsoft UI Automation (COM) is an implementation of UIA that uses the Component Object Model (COM) to access and interact with UI elements. This option is typically used when the other UIA options are not available or do not work as expected.

In general, you should try using the (auto-detection) option first, as it is often the most reliable and efficient method for identifying and interacting with UI elements. If this does not work, you can try using the other options in the order listed above to see if they are more effective for your specific use case.


