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With multiple servers and multiple Citizen Developers, we would like to use a venv for Python instead of having to constantly update all the servers and Developers.  Is this possible?

In theory, yes! Here’s my thought on it.

  1. I would build a REST web service on a web server.
  2. This REST web service would accept Python code as a parameter along with an array for other parameters (or a JSON message probably better).
  3. The web server would run the Python code and return the values back as the web service response.

This would keep the Python execution to just a single computer, accessible via REST web service.

The other question is… how frequently are you needing to update Python? Is every update needed? Also, depending on how much Python code you execute, have you considered restricting bots needing Python to just a single bot runner?

@Aaron.Gleason I will look into the REST service.  As to updates, Python updates frequently and since we have multiple Citizen developers using multiple Virtual servers, the chance of someone having an updated version is highly possible.  This can negatively impact other users.  Using venv would allow us to eliminate this issue. 
