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Tengo un problema con el atributo "tamaño" cuando uso el paquete de archivos y carpetas.

  • 14 December 2023
  • 2 replies

i have a condition IF, for asking if a Folder in a mapped directory has files,  sometimes fails when i use the attribute size with the first letter “S” in capital or lower case.

2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Hi @MIKE 5870,

Why not try following alternative to check the files exist in the folder rather then using Files and Folder package? I think this will be helpful.

  1. Use Loop to iterate to each file in the folder
  2. Pass the folder path and assign the output to the dictionary variable
  3. If there are files in the folder you can can proceed ahead with the other action else it won’t go inside the loop.


Badge +1

thank you @Abhay Naik im going to try 

