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Preprocessing issue found

  • 14 February 2023
  • 18 replies

I have installed the A360 on-premises in my machine.

After the installation.I tried to run a simple bot containing only message box.

It throws the below error



I tried the below solutions bot agent

2.Update bots to default package

3.clear global cache


None of them are working for me.


Please help me on this.

18 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hi ardra,


Have you checked whether the device is connected properly or else check the Bot agent Service running successfully or not.


If you are still facing  an issue can reach out to me.


Userlevel 5
Badge +9


1) Login with an Admin user in Control Room URL.
2) Control Room URL should be match from which login has done and one which has added under Administration -> setting -> General.
3) Compared the URL and found that it has added "/#" at the end of the URL as  below


4) Edit it and remove "/#" from URL.
5) This should resolves the issue.





Userlevel 5
Badge +14




1- Restart the Control room services in the following sequence:

Automation Anywhere Control room Elastic Search service
Automation Anywhere Control room Caching
Automation Anywhere Control room Service
Automation Anywhere Control room Bot Compiler Service
Automation Anywhere Control room IQBot Service
Automation Anywhere Control room Robotic Interface Service
Automation Anywhere Control room Reverse Proxy
Automation Anywhere Control room Messaging

2- In the Bot Agent Machine:
a- Stop the Automation Anywhere bot agent service.
b- Remove the device from Control Room
c- Clear the content of the global cache folder
d- Start the Automation Anywhere bot agent service
e- Register the device in CR





Check the contronroom URL for any special or extra space character

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@ardra  check this doc

Badge +5


That issue is got resolved which i removed ‘#’ from URL.

But i am getting another error. Device is connected properly only.



Userlevel 5
Badge +9

@ardra ,

Do you have a self-signed certificate? 

With admin user Control Room, go to Administration -> setting -> General and change the url with https (secure mode)  to http (non-secure protocol) if it was enabled.


Badge +5

@Raul Jaimes 

I don't have the Self-signed certificate.

Url in ‘General’ is http only.





Badge +5

@Raul Jaimes 

Hi Raul,


I have created Self signed certificate.

Please guide me how to add it in a360.



Userlevel 5
Badge +14


Open cmd prompt and enter below path : 

Installation Drive Name :\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent 


Execute below command 

AADiagnosticUtility.exe -importSSLCertificate "C:\Users\username\Downloads\dev.crt" (Path and name of certi)


Restart VDI / machine

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

@Raul Jaimes

Hi Raul,


I have created Self signed certificate.

Please guide me how to add it in a360.




Let me know if this is your actual scenario: 

1.-You have installed A360 in your control-room

2.-You are trying create a bot in the same VM. Here you are facing the  last mentioned error.

3.-So, you url is 

4.-if you have a self-signed certificate, it probably is with a  mylaptopname 

5.- self-signed certificate  is not required if you are using an http protocol .

in order to progress with your enviroment, please add the mylaptopname in the file host in Windows:




Restart Automation Anywhere Bot agent and try again.

Let us know your feedback.


Badge +5

@Raul Jaimes


I added the ip address and hostname in the above file and restarted the bot agent.

But the issue is not get resolved, I am facing the same error.

i am not using the VM,i installed it on my machine only.


Badge +5

@rbkadiyam I tried this as well,getting same error.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

@ardra ,

Kindly share us the error messages in the log file:



Badge +5

@Raul Jaimes 


I am not sure this is the file its from config folder.

I couldn't find botrunner folders.



Userlevel 5
Badge +9


Actually  it is a folder in ProgramData not in Program Files. Usually is hidden.




Badge +5

@Raul Jaimes 


Thanks it was hidden. Please find the file below



Userlevel 5
Badge +14


2023-Feb-16 Thu 15:57:23.056 ERROR [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-7] - com.automationanywhere.nodemanager.service.impl.NodeMessagingServiceImpl - {} - onFailedConnectAttempt( - connection attempt failed: java.lang.IllegalStateException: com.automationanywhere.nodemanager.exception.ControlRoomException: {"message":"Unable to connect to the Control Room.","details":"This may be due to multiple reasons. To continue, please\n1. Check to see if you have network connectivity \n2. Check to see if you are connected to your VPN \n\nThen, try to run the bot again.\n","correctiveAction":"If you continue to see this message, please contact your system administrator.","code":"registration.error"}


Please refer -

Userlevel 5
Badge +9


Something is blocking the access to Control-Room

2023-Feb-16 Thu 15:59:16.445 ERROR [WebSocketClient@1502435871-335] - com.automationanywhere.websocket.client.WebSocketClient - {} - onWebSocketError( - websocket error null


Caused by: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

2023-Feb-16 Thu 15:59:48.726 ERROR [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] - com.automationanywhere.nodemanager.adapter.ControlRoomAdapter - {} - post( - Unexpected error reading response code Connection reset


Please verify if you have any blocking from antivirus or Windows firewall turned on. Also check in Event Viewer if you notice any error message.

Let us know your feedback.


