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Number of days in amonth

How can i get number of days in a month by automation anywhere.

10 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Hi @sravanthi 9047 ,


you could do something like that:


Badge +3

Hello Marc,

                 i need the no of days current month,from that days need to substract 9 days.In the month 21st or 22nd my mot should i sholud wire the expression for that.from the above solution i could not find the exact solution.


Userlevel 2
Badge +5

@sravanthi 9047 

You have asked how to get the days in the current month.

So no matter which day you run your bot it is calculating the last day of the current month. (because we specified MM/01/yyyy for start date)


Maybe better give the full explanaition of what you are trying to achieve.

Badge +3

Hell marc

        Thank for your quick reply,Actualy first i need to calculate the no of days in the current month.

second substract 9 days from that ,third i need to check weather the date or day we get is working day or not.if the day is sauterday or sunday the bot will run on next working day,if day is working day the bot run on the same day itself.

Userlevel 3
Badge +12

Hell marc

        Thank for your quick reply,Actualy first i need to calculate the no of days in the current month.

second substract 9 days from that ,third i need to check weather the date or day we get is working day or not.if the day is sauterday or sunday the bot will run on next working day,if day is working day the bot run on the same day itself.

You have done a great job telling us what you need, how about sharing what you have tried on your own?

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Hi @sravanthi 9047 ,

what about this one?


!!! IMPORTANT !!! - On Line 11 you need to set this EEEE


Badge +3

Hell marc,

                  yes i am able to get what i want.How can i invoke workflow in automation anywhere like uipath.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @sravanthi 9047 ,

How can i invoke workflow in automation anywhere like uipath.

I believe you are referring to calling the subtasks is right? 

RPA tutorial, Calling sub-task from master tasks in Automation ...


Badge +3

Hi Tamil Arasu10,

             Thank you for the reply.Yes,what i mean to say is you mentioned correct.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @sravanthi 9047 ,

Using the below action, you can call the subtasks.

