How can we calculate number of days between two dates.
Number of days between two dates. Example = (12/17/2022, 12/9/2021) = 373 days
You can do either of the below 3 methods.
- Use a calendar table in a database
- Use VB/Java/python script
- Use Difference between two dates package from bot store.
Hope of this will help.
- Use below botstore package for a simple solution.
- Checkout below tutorial to import the bot package from botstore.
- Search for DifferencebetweenTwoDates package from the Actions pane
You can retrieve the difference between two dates in days format by using the DifferenceBetweenTwoDates: Difference between two dates in Days command and provide the First Date and Second Date as well as the Date Format. The output should be assigned to a string variable as below
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