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Not able to see bots file in automation tab after importing Get bot files(SharePoint Integration with A360 using Python) which are available in Automation Anywhere into community edition control room.


I am trying to import Get bot files(SharePoint Integration with A360 using Python) which are available in Automation Anywhere into community edition control room.Once after import,it shows as succesfully started message pop up.  But those bots file are not visibled in automation tab.
Could you please help me on this.

Get Bot file Link to import in AA:

Hi @Akhila.U ,


The same issue is happening for me as well in Community Edition. If you have the partner ID, you can flag it off with the Support team here for further check up.

Hi @Micah.Smith , @Ashok , Could you please help me on this issue.


1.-Extract zip file and change  path to Bots1

2.- change path in file manifest.json

3.-Rename folder Bot Store to Bots. 

4.-Move file SharepointUploadPython to folder Bots. Delete the folder Botname-VendorName.

5.-zip the file again with a new filename.

6.-Import to Control-Room

7.-You wil able to see the bot.


8.-The bot seems linked to a local path   :(




Thanks @Raul Jaimes 
Now, I am able to see bot file in AA control room after import. But i don't find python file which we need to call in Bot file.
