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Local device is getting disconnected after connect

  • 6 September 2023
  • 2 replies


I was using Automation Anywhere Community Edition 2 weeks ago and it was working fine. Today I tryed to use it again, but when I try to connect my local device, it keeps the “Disconnected status” after connecting. I already tryed to reinstall the Bot Agent and the Automation 360 extension, but didn’t work. I also tryed to reboot my machine, but the problem persists, any suggestion?

2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi @joaoguimb,

  1. Look into the log folder of bot agent and see if you can find any error messages that can help you troubleshoot further.
    log location - C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\BotRunner\Logs\node_manager
  2. Try Removing the below folder from the bot agent device, restart the machine and try to connect from the control room. 
  3. Make sure the Bot Agent Device and Control Room server has same time zone. below is the sample of error log recorded in event viewer. 

Hope this helps!

Thank you. 

Badge +1

It worked!

I deleted the folder you mentioned and restarted the machine, also the machine was in a different time zone, I changed it and reinstalled the bot agent and it connected.


Thank you.
