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IQ Bot - FAIL: Response=500##No documents found in server.


Hi Guys, I am facing issue while running Downloading files from IQBOT. It's showing "FAIL: Response=500##No documents found in server." error. Please suggest. Thanks in advance.

2 replies

Raul Jaimes
  • Navigator | Tier 3
  • 494 replies
  • April 26, 2023


One possible cause is that there is no file in the specified document status and Learning instance.


add conditional logic afterward.

Automation Anywhere recommens to use IQ Bot command (Download all documents) with configuration to 'Delete files from the server after downloading' instead of deleting file manually from IQ Bot output path.

Each file that is getting saved on IQ Bot output path has respective entry in IQ Bot database and deleting the file manually creates mismatch in files available on output path and that in Database table.


Follow the below steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Validate the file and save. The file gets saved to one of the output folders. 
  2. Run the download documents action to download the file.

The groups are created based on the Groups Creation Threshold defined in the learning instance. Hence if the document uploaded is a new document and needs training, the new Group will not be created until Groups Creation Threshold is met.






  • Author
  • Cadet | Tier 2
  • 1 reply
  • April 27, 2023

Hi Raul,

Thank you!,

I have tried this steps already.

I thing AA IQ bot Server is not working as expected. Is it possible to you to check from your end.

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