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I could not add the local device credentials

  • 16 November 2021
  • 5 replies

My control room has been connected to the local device and i have started creating bot. But while running the bot, it is asking me to enter the local device credentials. When i try to provide the local device credentials, error comes as "Not Found". Kindly help me in this regard.

5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @Sundari G​ ,


PFB steps to add credentials


  1. In the Control Room panel, click your user name and select My settings.
  2. In My Settings page, navigate to Devices > Credentials section to update the Username and Password for the device.
  3. Device login credentials are required to run a bot from this device.
  4. Note: Automation 360 does not validate the device login credentials until you run a bot.
  5. If your username is part of a domain, include the domain within the format 
  6. domain\username
  7. . Typically, home users are not part of a domain, unless they are specifically configured.
  8. Save the changes.


Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @Sundari G​ ,


Can you delete the existing device and try uninstalling and reinstalling the Bot Agent?

Thank you for your response. I have tried the same steps as you have mentioned. But while fetching the username system is showing error as "Not Found". Attaching the image for your reference. Kindly help me in this.



Thanks once again. I did the same as you said and still the problem exists. local device username is not found is what the error i am getting all the time.

This issue is not resolved for me as well,Please help
