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Community edition not working


Hi Team,


I am able to open community edition however I am unable to capture the elements and its not working. Please find error screenshot attached for your reference.

3 replies

Automation Anywhere Team
  • Automation Anywhere Team
  • 502 replies
  • April 26, 2024

Please review the following updates from AA. Downgrade your Chrome version to an older one, specifically version 123.x this should resolve the issue. Also, keep an eye on the following KB for the latest updates


Following the release of the new Google Chrome Browser version v124.x (124.0.6367.60 or 124.0.6367.61) and Edge browser version v124.x (124.0.2478.51), intermittent problems have been observed when clicking the dropdown button ▼ in the Automation 360 bot editor window on A360.x Control Room versions. Below error pops up "Aw Snap! something went wrong while displaying the website":

Note: The problem may manifest in any Bot Editor window of A360 Control Room when a drop-down is selected.



If you encounter this intermittent error, we recommend you to

Clear the browser cache

Restart the browser and retry the UI action.

Until the definitive solution is provided, we advise postponing the upgrade of Google Chrome browser to version 124.x (124.0.6367.60 or 124.0.6367.61) and Edge browser to 124.x (124.0.2478.51).

Additional Information

As Google Chrome version v124.x and Edge version v124.x is introduced this week, we've noticed instances where interactions with UI dropdowns in the Automation 360 bot editor window can trigger the appearance of the Chrome "Aw, Snap!" page, as shown in the attached screenshot. This occurrence obstructs users from completing their intended UI actions, accompanied by the "STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW" error code.

Automation Anywhere Team
  • Automation Anywhere Team
  • 85 replies
  • April 29, 2024

Hello @Sandy 8634 , 

his issue is resolved. Both the new versions of Chrome and Edge have the fix for this issue. If the browser isn't updated automatically, request customers/users to initiative an upgrade of their browser to get the latest version and the problem should be fixed.

Rima Sengupta

Pathfinder Community Team 

Ganesh Bhat
Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • Most Valuable Pathfinder
  • 73 replies
  • April 29, 2024

@Sandy 8634 


This is not an Automation Anywhere error. This error is occurring due to the new version 24.x (124.0.6367.60 or 124.0.6367.61) and Edge browser: 124.x (124.0.2478.51).

We currently have three quick fixes available:




1. Use the Firefox browser.


2. You need to install the below to following versions of the Google Chrome browser: 124.x (124.0.6367.60 or 124.0.6367.61) and Edge browser: 124.x (124.0.2478.51).


3. Run the script below in your browser console after logging in to your Automation Anywhere instance. This will remove the error for this session:


function removeAriaOwnsAttribute(element) {
    if (element.hasAttribute('aria-owns')) {

function mutationCallback(mutationsList, observer) {
    mutationsList.forEach(mutation => {

const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationCallback);
observer.observe(document.documentElement, {
    attributes: true,
    childList: true,
    subtree: true,
    attributeFilter: ['aria-owns']

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