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Like for example If i use the assign action in automation anywhere to assign value 123 to a variable called textvar, I can follow up with a python script to replace the values 123 to 456 in the textvar that I created earlier and then display it in the action:messagebox?


Line 1 will be String: Assign action

line 2 will be Python script: Open action

line 3 will be Python script: Execute script action

line 4 will be messagebox action

Assign the output of python script to same variable.

Assign the output of python script to same variable.

Hi Sumit,

it still gives me 123 or it gave me as true. see my recorded screen capture:

You need to use function (and input value AA->Python) and return updated value from function (Python->AA).



You need to use function (and input value AA->Python) and return updated value from function (Python->AA).



So only function will work. thanks
