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Getting Started with Bot Games Season 2

  • 25 March 2022
  • 0 replies



Bot Games Season 2 is almost here and we couldn't be more excited about the events, content, and tutorials that we have to share with the Automation Anywhere user/developer community. If you're new to Bot Games, or just want to learn more about what we have planned for Bot Games Season 2, this is an excellent place to start!


Bot Games Season 2 is all about being challenged, engaging with other developers, and improving on your RPA development skills. Join Bot Games Season 2 for a new set of RPA Challenge Pages, inspirational content from members of our RPA community, and a host of live developer events all month long.


Learn more and join the fun with the hashtag #BotGames on social media!


What is Bot Games?


Bot Games is a global virtual event designed for the Automation Anywhere developer, user, and partner community. The month-long event is designed to enable users/developers to improve on their RPA skills, engage with other developers in the RPA developer community, and have a chance to win some awesome Bot Games swag!


Why Does Bot Games Exist?


Without a doubt, using Automation 360 is better than watching slides on Automation 360. Bot Games exists to give users a unique way to get hands-on with our products, solve fun challenges, get feedback on their builds, and give users a sense of competition and community.


Bot Games also exists because solving problems is the optimal way to learn something new - presented through Automation Anywhere Challenge Pages. We've all done technical tutorials before and then found ourselves unable to be proficient in the programming language/application/tool/etc that we just learned about as we only learned what was explicitly taught in the tutorial. Bot Games takes a totally different approach. Instead of giving you the solution upfront, we give you a fun problem to solve... solve it however you want. Try out different approaches, use different packages, see how others in the community are solving it, check what's available in Bot Store - there are multiple ways to solve each problem.


Towards the end of each week, our Developer Evangelism team will be back with a tutorial showing you one approach to solving the week's challenge. This can hopefully clue you in on our thought process on bot building as well as give you something to compare your own bot build to. It's always super helpful to understand how other developers think/approach problems - so this makes for a great learning experience as well.


How Can You Participate? (Spoiler Alert: It's Totally Free to Participate)


Bot Games Season 2 is all about helping the Automation Anywhere developer community engage with each other to share their automation stories, exchange ideas, and expand automation to help everyone excel in their ability to create automations.

Here's how you can participate:


  1. Register! Registration ensures that you're the first to know about Bot Games challenge page releases and makes you eligible to win Automation Anywhere Swag!
    1. Note: You must register in order to be eligible for swag!
  2. Solve the Bot Games Challenges! Solving each of the challenges released in weeks 1-3 is a great way to get engaged. Share your results on social with the hashtag #BotGames and tag/challenge 3 other developers.
    1. Consider also sharing some tips on what helped you to get the result you got, or what area gave you the greatest trouble with the challenge.
    2. Our Developer Evangelism and Social Teams will be scanning social media for those who've shared their result and tagged 3 others to give our Bot Games Season 2 Swag!
  3. Join our Livestreams! Each Friday we'll be doing a weekly recap live stream where will break down some of the tips/tricks from that week's challenge, as well as shout out some of the community members who were especially helpful/had notable experiences that they shared on social media. You can find the full calendar of Bot Games events on the Bot Games Season 2 landing page.
  4. Join us for some of the Week 4 events! Week 4 of Bot Games is called "Community Week" - where we'll do open community events as well as feature members from the Automation Anywhere developer community as they share solutions they've built. Should be a great way to learn about automation successes from other developers, and may even clue you in on some areas that you could explore at your own organization



We can't wait for what April has in store for the Automation Anywhere developer community. We hope that you can all participate, get inspired, win some prizes, and uplevel your RPA skills with Bot Games Season 2!

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