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Challenge Page Intro: Front Office

  • 2 August 2021
  • 3 replies


Bot Games is here, and we're super excited to introduce Bot Wars! Each Monday throughout the month of August, we'll be releasing a new Bot Wars Challenge page designed to test your abilities as an RPA developer and encourage you to creatively solve problems in new ways. Each challenge page is created around a departmental theme designed to simulate tasks that organizations commonly need to automate. The theme for week one: Front Office.


Ready for your first challenge? Watch the intro video above (or read the rules below) and check out the challenge page to get started!


Challenge Objective


The Cable Co is missing customers from their customer relationship management system. Download the missing customers CSV (found on the challenge page itself), loop through each customer's details to enter the customer into the web form. Once all customer's details have been added, the challenge is complete and your results will be displayed. These results are displayed as a measure of time taken to complete the challenge as well as the accuracy of the data entered.




Beyond completing the challenge with 100% accuracy (which is obviously the core objective), the only rule for this week's challenge is that your bot has to download the file as a part of its execution.


Sharing Your Results


Once you've successfully completed the challenge, share a screenshot of your results on social using the hashtags #BotGames and #RPAugust and tag 3 other RPA developers who you challenge to complete this exercise. We want to celebrate your accomplishment as well, so our social team will be looking for individuals who share their results on social media (and tag/challenge others) throughout the month of August to reward them with limited edition Bot Games swag. So complete and share your results for each week's challenge to increase your chances of being selected.




Have fun with this challenge. If you complete it the first way you think to do it, go back through and think through how you might be able to use different actions to speed up your processing time. If you tried it and are getting stuck, don't worry, we'll be back on Thursday with a challenge page tutorial session where we'll be doing a full bot build to demonstrate one of the ways to solve this challenge.


challenge link is not working

challenge link is not working

Updated - let me know if you’re still having issues

@Micah.Smith Thank you
