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Pathfinder Mission Control

Getting Started with Pathfinder Mission Control

  • 18 September 2023
  • 0 replies
Getting Started with Pathfinder Mission Control

A game-changing platform for automators everywhere has arrived! Introducing Pathfinder Mission Control, a launchpad expertly developed to help automators across all industries strengthen their programs, address critical challenges, and create 90-day action plans to harness opportunities for scalable growth.

Pathfinder Mission Control is available to all Automation Anywhere customers and partners at any stage of their automation journey. The catalyst for utilizing Mission Control is the Pathfinder Assessment. Start by completing the interactive self-assessment with your entire team to receive a comprehensive analysis of your automation program’s current maturity, strengths, and opportunities for optimization and growth.

From there, Pathfinder Mission Control will step in to provide you with mission recommendations based on your specific results. Each mission includes in-depth guidance, next-step recommendations, and resources like best practices and blueprints to spark action. Based on your goals and business needs, prioritize 1-2 missions and create a 90-day plan for your team to conquer. In no time, you will elevate your program to its full potential and achieve exponential scalability!

Don’t wait to realize the growth you’ve been chasing. Pathfinder Mission Control is here to chart your course to success. Get started today!

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs here.

Mission Control FAQs



Who is eligible to participate in Pathfinder Mission Control?


If you are an Automation Anywhere customer or partner, you can access Pathfinder Mission Control today. This includes the Pathfinder Assessment, mission recommendations, and action plans.

How do I get started? (step-by-step instructions on logging in, taking the assessment, selecting the missions, and identifying the actions for the 90-day plan)


  • To get started, go to the Mission Control landing page and take the assessment.
  • We recommend you screen share and complete the assessment live with your whole team for the most accurate results and a thought-provoking discussion.
  • When you click to start the assessment, you’ll be asked to log in using your A-People credentials (the same ones you use for Community or any other Automation Anywhere website).
  • After taking the assessment, you’ll get recommendations for a few missions to prioritize based on your biggest growth opportunities.
  • Select 1-2 missions that you want to focus on. Use the actions listed in the mission to create a 90-day plan of what you want to work on. The more specific, the better! Create a shared team spreadsheet with actions, due dates, owners, and find a cadence to review progress. If you get stuck, your CSM can help you find resources to keep moving on your mission!


Should I do the assessment with my team or on my own?


We recommend that your team complete the assessment together.

Can I take the assessment multiple times?

Yes. After completing your initial missions, we recommend that your team take the assessment again to help you determine where to focus your growth efforts.

How do I access and share resources from Mission Control?


You should have a designated point of contact who will manage Mission Control on behalf of the team. They’ll take the assessment, select the missions, access resources, and then share them with team members as needed.

How do I know which missions I should choose?


After taking the assessment, Mission Control recommends which missions you should focus on based on your team’s results. After reviewing the mission recommendations, you can choose which is best for your team to focus on.

How do I build my 90-day plan?


After selecting the mission(s) you want to focus on, Mission Control will provide you with how to complete the missions based on your current program stage: start, accelerate, or scale. After reviewing the actions in your stage, you can decide which actions you want to add to your 90-day plan. We recommend building your plan in the format that works for your team — in project management software, a spreadsheet, a simple text document, PowerPoint, or whatever will keep your team working together to make progress.


How can I stay up to date on the latest news and updates for Pathfinder Mission Control?


Updates will be shared via our Pathfinder Community and our soon-to-be-launched Pathfinder News.

For technical support issues like login problems, what is the recommended way to seek assistance?


For any Mission Control support-related questions, please reach out to

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