
Terminal Emulator function keys not working

  • 14 March 2023
  • 4 replies

Badge +1

Hi All ,

I’m trying to use function keys using terminal emulator command Send key but behavior of key functionality is different in terminal emulator.

For example if bot is sending the key - PF2,PF8 its typing OQ & [19 .

connection type : VTSERIES

please help me on this.

4 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hi @vicky 3292 

  1. Execute TE connect package
  2. Pause the bot
  3. Create a duplicate tab of the same bot
  4. Drag Simulate Keystroke package
  5. Provide a 'Title' of TE screen
  6. Specify the following pattern in the "Keystrokes" section
    1. [TAB] [INSERT]

If the requirement is to enter [INSERT] key then, you can pass the following pattern in the "Keystrokes" section 

To pass any key on TE screen via Simulate Keystroke package, make sure to pass the [TAB] key first then other keys will be followed.





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Hi Raul ,

Tried this approach , still issue remains same.

The approach which was suggested is working on CONNECTION TYPE : TN3270E , not on VTSERIES


Thanks for your suggestion.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

@vicky 3292 

Have you verify if modifying the encoding works?




Badge +1

Yes , checked with all the available encoding types & Terminal model Default,VT100 & VT220 , still same issue .
