
Selection of SAP Combo/Drop down boxes

  • 18 May 2022
  • 3 replies

Badge +2



I am trying to select an SAP Combo/Dropdown box using an AA SAP action, but am unable to do so. Previous posts on this forum point to a now outdated or irrelevant bot.


Here is an example of the field I am referring to:

2022-05-18 15_22_14-listbox shellI'm unable to get the bot to get select the field at all. In addition to selection, I'd like the bot to set the value of this field. An excel file will contain "10" and the bot should chose "10 CSR1". Any guidance is appreciated.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @Parris Stanford​ ,


To select any item from dropdown in SAP, you can use SAP 'Select Item' action from A360 ref., below image


You can get object path of dropdown from "SAP Gui scripting and playback", you can select the item either through index or text(it should be same or match with the value of SAP)


Q. An excel file will contain "10" and the bot should chose "10 CSR1". Any guidance is appreciated.

Ans. for this I suggest u to handle through logic like, if excel cell contains '10' set value = 10 CSR1 like this.


Hope this helps you.


Happy Automation🙂




Badge +2

Hello @Sai krishna Somisetty​ , this was my first attempt at this requirement, but it doesn't work.


SAP select item step, pointing at a record variable to grab the "10" for example. 2022-05-19 13_13_38-VA02_ADD_LINE_REJECTION _ Edit Task Bot _ Control Room _ Automation Anywhere 

I recorded two methods of grabbing the value. In the first, the item is selected (which points to a specific value 2,0). In the second, the two characters are entered "ME or "ZC", the second is the actual requirement. But the bot doesn't select the dropdown box at all in execution.


2022-05-19 13_14_29-Scripting Tracker

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi @Parris Stanford​ ,


You might have to use the Capture Action for this one, if the Session Path(SAP) is unable to interact with the item its supposed to.


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K
