The idea for this bot is make the connection to the email using the action Email Connect and then download the document attached for the unread email for determinate emails address.
But, I have a error in the line 3.
Can, please help me to find a solution for this problem:
Currently I did the connection to my email. Until the line 2, work fine, the connection is successful
but in the line 3 I received the error with the following message “The provided connection details are invalid”
somebody have idea, what more I need to do or change in my configuration
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@Fatima 6238
Unable to loop through emails
**Applicable to A360.x**
Cannot loop through emails and get it to pull the variables - subject, message, etc
Key Mapping was missing and Email disconnect had to be removed from the loop
Create custom variables for Email subject and Message ( as per requirement)
2.Map these variables to the custom created variables
To Map :
Under Loop action Select mapped variables -> Add variable mapping
Enter the Key Value and map it to the desired variable from the drop down list
Verify the key and mapped variable from table
Add the string variables in Message box to display the results expected Under "enter message to display" choose the variable that has to be displayed
Additional Information
Disable/Delete the Email Disconnect from loop or keep it outside the loop
@Fatima 6238 seems wrong port
Read Gmail messages on other email clients using POP
You can open your messages from Gmail in other mail clients that support POP, like Microsoft Outlook.
Step 1: Make sure POP is the best way to read your emails
IMAP and POP are both ways to read your Gmail messages in other email clients.
IMAP can be used across multiple devices. Emails are synced in real time.
POP can only be used for a single computer. Emails aren't synced in real time. Instead, they're downloaded and you decide how often you want to download new emails.
In the top right, click Settings See all settings.
Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.
In the "IMAP access" section, select Enable IMAP.
Click Save Changes.
Step 2: Change SMTP & other settings in your email client
Use the table below to update your client with the correct information. For help updating your settings, search your email client's Help Center for instructions on setting up IMAP.
Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server
Requires SSL: Yes
Port: 993
@Fatima 6238 Hello, did you manage to solve the problem?
@Fatima 6238 : so you verified that IMAP access is enabled and also below imap server information and port correct in your configuration ?
In the top right, click Settings See all settings.
Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.
In the "IMAP access" section, select Enable IMAP.
Click Save Changes.
Step 2: Change SMTP & other settings in your email client
Use the table below to update your client with the correct information. For help updating your settings, search your email client's Help Center for instructions on setting up IMAP.
Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server
Requires SSL: Yes
Port: 993
Thanks @rbkadiyam, I requested help with this, with the team support. I will let know you if I can fix this problem.
@Fatima 6238 Hello, did you manage to solve the problem?
Not yet, I am waiting the support from the team support to change the configuration in my mail account.
Thanks for check my problem, I will let you know if I can fix this problem.
@Fatima 6238 Hello, did you manage to solve the problem?
Not yet, I am waiting the support from the team support to change the configuration in my mail account.
Thanks for check my problem, I will let you know if I can fix this problem.
Hi Fatima,
Were you able to come up with a solution to the problem above? I am experiencing the same currently and unable to make the customer believe that the connection details might be wrong or invalid.
Due to the fact that the bot passes the Email connection line successfully and having trouble at loop command, I cannot force them to give me the true information for incoming emails. If I had got the error in connection line, I would have asked for the correct connection details for email server.
So, if you already handled the issue, please do let us know about how you managed it.
Thanks for your answer in advance.
Hello everyone.
The idea for this bot is make the connection to the email using the action Email Connect and then download the document attached for the unread email for determinate emails address.
But, I have a error in the line 3.
Can, please help me to find a solution for this problem:
Currently I did the connection to my email. Until the line 2, work fine, the connection is successful
but in the line 3 I received the error with the following message “The provided connection details are invalid”
somebody have idea, what more I need to do or change in my configuration
Hi @Fatima 6238 ,
Mainly if you are connecting a Gmail account with email server you have to keep in mind below steps:
Check whether IMAP is enabled or not inside your Gmail account general settings, if not then you can enable then and there.
After that you need to “ON” the 2SV and create a App password for your account and pass that App password in the password section in the connect action.
If you did the above steps and it is showing an error of connection failed then you need to contact you Internal IT network team as the connection might be getting blocked in the firewall.
I hope my solution helps for your problem.
@Fatima 6238 ,
Check the protocol you are using and set it up according you need if you are using pop3 or imap as above team have mentioned.
If you are using imap
and port 993
if you are using pop3
and port 995
Select the protocol in your bot properly.
Hello @Fatima 6238 did you find a solution?
Currently I face this issue as well, anyone have any solution?
Currently I face this issue as well, anyone have any solution?
if you connect your mail via pop3, did you try imap?
and are you sure you have the connection? you can try by telnet command on commandprompt to use if u have connection to your email
Currently I face this issue as well, anyone have any solution?
if you connect your mail via pop3, did you try imap?
and are you sure you have the connection? you can try by telnet command on commandprompt to use if u have connection to your email
For pop3 is okay but error in Action Loop Command Line
Currently I face this issue as well, anyone have any solution?
if you connect your mail via pop3, did you try imap?
and are you sure you have the connection? you can try by telnet command on commandprompt to use if u have connection to your email
For pop3 is okay but error in Action Loop Command Line
From my side have problem with IMAP, how can I do it?
@ly.watanak Can you try using with imap? i once had this issue too, probably the action in the loop you use does not let you with connection pop3, but it may need imap.
Can you have imap hostname and port number from the company u work at?
if u can reach outlook, you can get the port and imap hostname by yourself
@ly.watanak Can you try using with imap? i once had this issue too, probably the action in the loop you use does not let you with connection pop3, but it may need imap.
Can you have imap hostname and port number from the company u work at?
if u can reach outlook, you can get the port and imap hostname by yourself
Currently I have issue with IMAP
@ly.watanak Can you try using with imap? i once had this issue too, probably the action in the loop you use does not let you with connection pop3, but it may need imap.
Can you have imap hostname and port number from the company u work at?
if u can reach outlook, you can get the port and imap hostname by yourself
Currently I have issue with IMAP
@ly.watanak Can you try using with imap? i once had this issue too, probably the action in the loop you use does not let you with connection pop3, but it may need imap.
Can you have imap hostname and port number from the company u work at?
if u can reach outlook, you can get the port and imap hostname by yourself
Currently I have issue with IMAP
probably you have a problem with email hostname, you dont have the authority to connect that with imap
can you write this (inside “”)on command line “telnet 587” enter what does it say?
@ly.watanak Can you try using with imap? i once had this issue too, probably the action in the loop you use does not let you with connection pop3, but it may need imap.
Can you have imap hostname and port number from the company u work at?
if u can reach outlook, you can get the port and imap hostname by yourself
Currently I have issue with IMAP
probably you have a problem with email hostname, you dont have the authority to connect that with imap
can you write this (inside “”)on command line “telnet 587” enter what does it say?