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paste excel data as number

  • 19 April 2023
  • 2 replies

Hello ,


I have five excel sheet and i need to copy all the data from one excel sheet to another excel sheet in another workbook,

i was using getasdata table or get multiple cell as i don’t know the how many rows or column in sheet.


but each time i use above action it is pasting data as string by which there is formula which failed to identify.


how to copy the data as it is or paste as number not string

2 replies

Badge +2

Hi Adarsh,


You can the following to achieve this fast and simple.


Use Excel as a database command.


  1. Connect :  Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=”File Path” ;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml; HDR=YES";


      2.Export to Data table : Select * from [worksheet] , Save the output of this Query into Data Table example (dtOutput)


      3. Disconnect


Excel Advance :


Open : Open the File you want to Paste the data into.

Write from Data table : Specify the : Sheet Name, Data Table (dtOutput), First Cell Address (A1)


Badge +4

Hello @karthik CN ,


I was using write from datatable , it is updating as text format it is not updating or pasting as values
