IQ Bot Learning instance is not processing

  • 5 February 2023
  • 6 replies

Badge +3


I have created new learning instance. I try to upload a pdf to train it. The document is uploaded but in the Request tab, all are in que but not getting processed. Where I did mistake


6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@LAXMAN 2259 


1) The root cause for the issue is the folder below having too many files, exceeding 150K. 
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Automation Anywhere IQBot Platform\Logs\Engine

Due to the massive number of files in this folder, it takes a very long time for Windows to release the control so that applications can get access to the folder and write to it.

This is a known issue for Windows folder having large number of files. A number around 150K would start impacting the performance of the OS.

2) Check the Trace level for VisionBot or Classifier engine in the IQBot server. 

To check this, follow below steps :

1. go to IQBot installation path\Workers\Visionbotngine path.

2. look for Log4net.config file.

3. Edit the file and Change level value from TRACE/DEBUG to ERROR

4. Review the same steps for Classifier engine (IQBot installation path\Workers\Classifier path.)

Additional Information

The above mentioned folder is a log folder in which files are all for logging purpose. User can simply remove or even delete the files within the folder to regain performance of the Windows OS.

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @LAXMAN 2259 

Hope you are using Document Automation, try below steps

  1. Steps for Restarting Bot Agent Service,
    1. Click on Windows+R
    2. Type services.msc
    3. Hit Enter
    4. Check for Automation Anywhere Bot Agent Service
      Right Click and Restart
  2. Check the AARI Process if the record status is same
  3. Try uploading the document again


Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @LAXMAN 2259 ,


There is also a chance for error is extraction and normally the extraction will be queued if that's happens. Have you checked that? There might be some errors while extracting data from any of the fields or table.

Badge +1

having the same issue, Build 21055, working thru a simple AA training exercise and sample invoices uploaded correctly but are now stuck in “open” status.  restarted agent. rebooted.  not sure how to check queue they are sitting in. is there any way to “restart” the learning instance and/or associated queue?


Hi @LAXMAN 2259 & @ChanduMohammad @Padmakumar @Tamilarasu 

Can some one help me, I’m struck over on this.

I have created learning instances and provided all the required fields to extract. I try to upload the documents to train it, documents have been uploaded but it in the AARI request tab it is showing in-progress and failing to extract.

I have tried the above solutions which you guys have shared, but its not working.


What might be the possible reason and how to rectify it?

Kindly help me on this, Thanks in Advance.


Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Please check the instance (validation ) some cases, you need to validate the failed documents. 

