
I want To Know More Information about Connectivity Diagram In Fortress IQ. how can be create that need your better suggestion.

  • 2 September 2022
  • 2 replies

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I want To Know More Information about Connectivity Diagram In Fortress IQ. how can be create that need your better suggestion.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hello @senthil v​ ,


This is Dhwanit Parekh from Automation Anywhere Technical Support team.


Connectivity diagrams represent all the interactions between multiple screen for a given "cycle".


1) Choose the desired cycle

2) In "Cycles", under the "Actions" column, click the down arrow to choose the "Generate connectivity diagrams-V1".

3) You will see a confirmation that the diagram is created. Note the cycle number.

4) Now, on the left hand side, hover the mouse on the "Models" menu and click on the "client dashboard" option.

5) Find for the connectivity diagram corresponding to the cycle number and click on "view details".

6) Click on either the .png or the .svg to view the diagram.



Hope this helps.

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Thanks for Your Brief Explanation.

is there any possible to create Connectivity Diagram For Mining Run .suppose i want to create connectivity diagram for Mining Run Means what can i do ?

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