I want to change the date format of one of the columns to DD/MM/YYYY in excel. The columns are fixed i.e. C5 and D5
Hi @Rohan Tiwari ,
Following the below options you can achieve your requirement.
- You can use the excel formula to change the date format in a particular cell.
i.e : =TEXT(E4, "DD/MM-YYYY").
- Please use Excel Advanced Package --> Get Single or Get Multiple Cells, once you get the value from the cell, you can use DateTime Package to change the date format and stored it in a variable.
- Use Set Cell, Assign the above variable to set cell and update the new date formatted value in the cell.
Hi @Rohan Tiwari ,
You can achieve this using the Excel Basic and DateTime Actions.
First, drag in the Excel Open and Close Actions, and add a Loop: For Each Row Excel Basic in between the two Action Actions.
Add a Excel Basic: Go To Cell Action and go to the starting row of the cell where the dates column is present.
Ensure that the same session is provided to both the excel actions and also to the loop.
After that, drag in a DateTime: Assign Action and use the following format to convert the string to date ->
M/d/yy (this is how Excel usually stores dates, modify if the format is different)
Then we will convert it into the desired format using a DateTime: To String Action:
Then we set the value to the currently active cell and after which we will move onto the next cell address ->
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
Thank you
Thank you Ashwin.
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