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I am having issues with my Chrome Ext. It is installed and enabled, but when running my bot it does not recognize that it is installed or enabled. I have uninstalled and reinstalled both Chrome and the bot agent a few times without resolution.

Hi @Kimberly Schmidt​ 


Can you please do this and see if it helps?

  1. Stop the Automation Anywhere Bot agent service.
  2. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\GlobalCache.
  3. Delete the content of the Global cache folder.
  4. Start the Automation Anywhere Bot agent service.
  5. Try re-running the Bot and see if that helps.


If this doesnt help you, you can look at other options:;_gl=1*1fyjqat*_ga*MjA4NTg1ODcwLjE2NDk2MDU2NDA.*_ga_DG1BTLENXK*MTY0OTgzNDM2Ny44LjEuMTY0OTgzNDgxMC41Ng..

Hi Semih 3318


 I couldn't find C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\GlobalCache in my directory.



imageI have the same issues and I don't know how I can solve them. Could you please inform me?

Hello, the way I was able to solve was my removing the extension from Edge and then the one in Chrome worked again. I hope this helps!
