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Dictionary Variable?

  • 2 January 2023
  • 7 replies

How to read an excel file using dictionary variable in automation anywhere?


7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @mohank06 

Can you share bot more context on the issue you are facing?

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @mohank06 ,

I am not sure about your actual requirement. 

However, please refer the below documentation on steps for Dictionary Variable for CSV-excel.


I hope this will help.

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @mohank06 

Can you share bot more context on the issue you are facing?

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Userlevel 5
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Userlevel 5
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Wolud you like open a excel file using a dictionary?  

Use a Dictionary variable in a Loop action. It can return a pair of keys: name and action.

Also, you can use an action Get Name/Get Path from the File package  but they will return a string variable.




Badge +2

@mohank06  I believe that your requirement is to read the Excel file with 2 Columns. 

 Because when you talk about Dictionary and Excel Combination then excel Should be of 2 columns because Dictionary will work on Key And value Pairs.


So Yo can do this to read Excel file Values to Dictionary.


  1. Open excel using Excel open Command 
  2. Use Get Multiple Cells Command.
  3. Loop Through Data Table.
  4. Use Dictionary Put Command to Add Current Excel Data into Dictionary Variable.
Badge +1

Hello @mohank06 


If your Excel has data in a key-value pair, you can read the entire tabular data using a Get multiple cell command or using an excel read from command and store it in a excel dataset or SQL dataset respectively, then use the loop action to traverse through the same as below:


In this loop you can add a Dictionary put command and assign the values providing the dynamic key and value as below:


Hope it helps.
