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Bot working correctly when logged into server runner but not working when disconnected

  • 27 May 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello, I develop a bot that is working fine when I'm connected into the bot runner server (device), I can see the bot working fine, but then, If I run the bot unattended (not connected into the server) it tend to fail.


Is there a reason for that?



Follow the below steps, hope it will work for you.

  1. RDP the Bot runner machine
  2. Lock the RDP machine by clicking Windows Icon->Profile Icon->Lock
  3. Run a sample simple .atmx file from the Control room ( Make sure you have selected 'Run from Control room Session' checkbox when triggering it)
  4. After the file is executed, a Remote connection disconnected pop-up will be appearing in the RDP machine.
  5. Now you can trigger your original process from the Control room ( Again make sure you have selected 'Run from Control room Session' checkbox when triggering it)

