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Alternative for database update command

  • 11 January 2024
  • 4 replies

I want to update an excel using update command where I set some values using where condition. Is there any alternative to this? Can I use an excel command for doing this? I don’t want to use database. I cannot see any command for this in automation anywhere

4 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hi @Rohan Tiwari 6713 

You dont want to use database or Excel as database ?

The following link can be a useful resource



Badge +5

Hi Rahul,
No I am not talking about this. I don’t want to use ‘Update’ command of database. I am asking what could be the alternative to this?. I can use excel ‘Set cell’ but it does not have ‘where’ clause like we use in ‘update’. Hope I am clear

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi Rahul,
No I am not talking about this. I don’t want to use ‘Update’ command of database. I am asking what could be the alternative to this?. I can use excel ‘Set cell’ but it does not have ‘where’ clause like we use in ‘update’. Hope I am clear


Hi @Rohan Tiwari 6713 ,


Ignore this if you have already checked.


Try with IF Condition and Set Cell action

Pass your condition to the IF block and if it succeed, it will execute the Set Cell action. You can use the Data Table package instead of Excel package for a faster Execution if that is also a concern for you.

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

@Rohan Tiwari 6713 I don't like using the Excel as Database either.

  1. Loop through the excel sheet. Use a variable to keep track of your row.
  2. Add an IF statement that contains your condition
    1. Update the specific cell using your row counter if the row meets your criteria
  3. Add 1 to your row counter and keep looping

