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I want to use Set function in List package but I’m getting the below error. 


here is the code:

there is a list “booleanLIst” , it already has a value added to it. Default value of variable SampleString is Text at index 0. when I’m trying to set the value at index 0 to some other string value, I’m getting the above error. 

Everything is in same String format but still getting the cast error.

@spandana 4141 


The issue has been fixed in A360.26. For new created bots in A360.26, the issue will not happen.
Please run the following step for existing bots.

  1. Edit the existing bots.
  2. Click Variables field in the left side.スクリーンショット 2022-10-17 110944.png
  3. Select the list variable
  4. Click three points icon in the right of the variable.image.png
  5. Then click "Edit variable..." icon.
  6. Change the variable name.

Even in A360.V27 Add items to list does not work properly.

A simple task to add dictionary values to list errors if dictionary has some values.

Same code works if dictionary is empty.